Program Schedule

The IAOMS/Asian AOMS NextGen Online Conference will take place October 26 - October 30, 2021 from 6:00AM - 8:30AM CST. This five-day program will include live presentations along with question and answer opportunities. Each session includes presentations from master surgeons followed by the next generation of young surgeons from all across the specialty.

All sessions and speakers are subject to change.

Click on the links below to go directly to the agenda for each day.

Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 (6:00 AM - 8:30 AM)

Strategies and Best Practices for Orthognathic Surgery and Cleft

This session will be moderated by Dr. Gabriele Millesi (IAOMS) and Dr. Hee-Kyun Oh (Asian AOMS)

Thank you to DuPuy Synthes for sponsoring this session: 


Opening Remarks

Introductions from IAOMS & Asian AOMS leadership.

Session 1

Improving Accuracy of Treatment of Facial Asymmetries presented by Dr. Simonas Grybauskas

Session Overview 


Facial asymmetry planning and surgery success largely depends on the facial planes that we set during the planning process. The presentation will focus on accurate determination of facial planes and optimizing planning process by enhancing its accuracy. Complementary surgical techniques that are necessary for full correction of facial asymmetry will be shortly covered too.

Learning Objectives:

- How to improve facial symmetry results after surgery

- How to determine the midfacial plane in facial asymmetries

- How to optimize planning process and be confident with your planI iI

Session 2

A Trainee Friendly Protocol for SSRO presented by Dr. Michael Chen

Session Overview 


The topography of mandibular ramus is quite diverse according to CT images regarding mandibular canal position, bucco-lingual dimension, angles between mid-sagittal plane and the anterio-posterior axis, with or without inward curvature at posterior border. All these variations contribute to the incidence of common intra-operative complications such as neurovascular damage and unfavorable fracture.

Learning Objectives:

- Detailed pre-operative evaluation of the mandibular ramus topography.

- Advantages of piezo osteotomy.

- Innovative potential of CAD/CAM surgical guides.

Session 3

Diagnosis and Treatment in Cleft Lip and Palate pesented by Dr. Cesia Gonzalez

Session Overview 


This lecture will be about a time line of the surgical protocols for a patient with clef lip and palate from birth till orthognatic surgery.

Session 4

Origin and Management of Unilateral Condylar HYperplasia (UHC) presented by Dr. Jitske Nolte

Session Overview 


Unilateral condylar hyperplasia is characterized by progressive asymmetry of the mandible, and includes various phenotypes. The possible etiology, available diagnostics and treatment options will be presented

Learning Objectives:

- Insight in the background of UCH

- Insight in management of UCH

Session 5

Nose Aesthetic in Orthognathic Surgery presented by Dr. Mike Leung

Session Overview 


This lecture describes the assessment of the nose in orthognathic surgery, and tips to prevent unfavorable nose changes

Learning Objectives:

- To understand the importance of nose assessment in orthognathic surgery

- To understand the effect on the nose in certain orthognathic movements / procedures

- To learn how to prevent or reduce unfavorable aesthetic nose change after orthognathic surgery

Session 6

Common and Controversial Opinions for Orthognathic Surgery in Patients With Idiopathic Condylar Resorptionpresented by Dr. Hoon Joo Yang

Session Overview 


Long-term follow-up is essential after orthognathic surgery in skeletal class II patients with idiopathic condylar resorption.The postoperative relapse tendency in patients with preoperative idiopathic condylar resorption is significantly related to the lowest T-score and the amount of mandibular advancement.

Learning Objetives:

- Idiopathic Condylar Resorption

- Orthognathic Surgery

- Postoperative Stability

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 (6:00 AM - 8:30 AM)

New Frontiers in Pathology and Reconstruction

This session will be moderated by Dr. R. Bryan Bell and Dr. Richard Su.

Session 1

Challenges in the Surgical Management of Bone Sarcomas of the Head and Neck presented by Dr. Nicholas Kalavrezos

Session Overview 


Head & Neck sarcomas are rare malignancies of mesenchymal origin in contrast to the epithelial origin of the common squamous cell carcinomas. This fundamental difference is manifested in the way of spread in the bone and should be reflected in the overall management including the risk of underestimation of bone involvement, the need of surgical planning guaranteeing large bone margins and the way of bone fixation in reconstruction.

Learning Objectives:

- Understanding of the "In-Out" model of tumour spread in the bone

- Understanding of the need of condylar disarticulation in selected cases

- Understanding of the reconstructive challenges in bone fixation when Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) is required postoperatively

Session 2

Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgery presented by Dr. Yue He

Session Overview 


The concept of the advanced practice of the free flap reconstruction in the oral and. head neck reconstruction. It will be very useful for the young doctor who will devote to this work.

Learning Objectives:

- Salvage econstruction

- New technique of perforator flap

- Digital Jaw reconstruction

- Endoscope and Robotic assisted reconstructive surgery

Session 3

Advances in Oral Rehabilitation in Head and Neck Cancer Patients presented by Dr. Omar Breik

Session Overview 


Overview of current approaches to dental rehabilitation in head and neck cancer.


Techniques to improve soft tissue challenges around implants in oral rehabilitation Future approaches and new technology to improve outcomes

Learning Objectives:

- Considering rehabilitation at the time of cancer management

- Breaking some myths around the nature of skin grafts, skin paddles and soft tissue management around implants

- How to approach completed orofacial defects

Session 4

Skull Base Approaches and the Interaction of the Maxillofacial Surgeon presented by Fernando Carrete Gonzalez

Session Overview 


we will review some techniques to approach different anatomical areas such as cranial base, floor of the mouth, we will present some cases to illustrate these techniques and the sequence between the different teams, lastly we will discuss some of the difficulties encountered in some complex cases.

Learning Objectives:

- To establish opportunity areas for the maxillofacial surgeon in a multidisciplinary team approaching complex tumors with difficult surgical access.

Session 5

Oncologic Safety in Computer-Assisted Jaw Reconstruction presented by Dr. Jane Pu

Session Overview 


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate and compare the resection margin, recurrence pattern and survival outcomes with or without predetermined surgical margins in head and neck reconstruction.

Learning Objectives:

- Predetermined surgical margins do not compromise oncological safety in terms of resection margin, disease recurrence and patient survival.

Session 6

Ameloblastoma: Is It Really Silently Aggressive? presented by Dr. Nissia Ananda

Session Overview 


Ameloblastoma is usually known as asymptomatic and locally aggressive odontogenic tumor. However there are some large ameloblastoma developed in patient with neglectance of dental health.

Learning Objectives:

- Overview of ameloblastoma, neglectance of dental health behavior leads to symptomatic (clinical sign - swelling in the jaw) ameloblastoma, case report of ameloblastoma

Thursday, October 28, 2021 (6:00 AM - 8:30 AM)

Advancements in Dental Implantology and Oral Surgery

This session will be moderated by Dr. Alfred Lau and Dr. Tetsu Takahashi.

Session 1

How to Enhance Bone Regeneration After Augmentation and Reconstruction presented by Dr. Robert Sader

Session Overview 


On the base of the human bone physiology and its regenerative healing mechanisms the fundamental mechano-biological keystones in surgical bone augmentation and reconstruction are presented in a step-by-step approach. Considering the biological requirements in modulated stability, early loading and enhanced neo-vascularisation by application of autologous blood concentrates the complication rate can be reduced and bone augmentation can be performed more sucessfully even in very compromised patients.

Learning Objectives

- Understand the bone physiology regarding its regeneration processes and capacities

Assess the different available bone substitutes and surgical techniques

- Avoid complications by strictly following physiologically-based surgical augmentation principles

Session 2

How Oral Surgery Can Push Frontiers in Full Arch Implant Rehabilitation presented by Dr. Rajaan Gunaseelan

Session Overview 


Full arch dental rehabilitation of maxilla and mandible is a critical aspect of oral surgery.This is more so when resorption or loss of the alveolar and basal bone is significant.Advanced techniques of implant rehabilitation such as mental nerve repositioning, quad zygoma implants etc which fall within the scope of oral and maxillo-facial surgery will be discussed.

Learning Objectives:

- Advanced implant techniques in full arch rehabilitation

- Mental nerve repositioning, zygoma implants

- Importance of implanvology in oral surgery practice

Session 3

Morbid Odontogenic Infections of the Head and Neck presented by Dr. Victoria Yaffe

Session Overview 


Negligence of dental health or improper dental care can lead to odontogenic infections with morbid consequences. Despite it’s rare prevalence, the practicing clinician may still face odontogenic infections with life-threatening sequelae, including respiratory obstruction, necrotizing fasciitis, purulent meningitis, cerebrospinal abscesses, mediastinitis, sepsis, and septic shock. The aim of the presentation is to present our experiment with Ludwig's angina and necrotizing fasciitis arising from odontogenic origin. Detailed patient presentation, step by step management, follow up and helpful “Take home message” are presented.

Learning Objectives:

1.Alarming presenting symptoms of life-threatening odontogenic infections

2. Management of life-threatening odontogenic infections- focus first and for most on airway!

Session 4

Can Dental Implants Lead to the Development of Oral Cancer? A Review of the Literature presented by Dr. Muino Juan Manuel

Session Overview 


To date there have been few published cases of OSCC possibly related to osteointegrated dental implants. We report three patients who were rehabilitated with dental implants and subsequently developed OSCC. Patients with risk factors should be subjected to strict controls and suspicious lesions should be biopsied immediately.

The main objective of this presentation is to describe the risk factors for the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma and its relationship with dental implants in order to distinguish the at risk patients and perform the correct treatment and follow up.

Session 5

Immediate Implant Placement in Defective Socket presented by Dr. Benny Fang

Session Overview 


Immediate implant placement has become a trend for single implant placement by contributing promising benefits. The experiences of immediate implant placement in defective socket will be discussed in this presentation.

Learning Objectives

- Is the aesthetic result stable when encountering severe labial defective socket?

- Clinical steps and considerations for immediate implant placement in defective socket.

Session 6

Challenges in Immediate Anterior Maxillary Implant and Provisionalisation presented by Dr. Adrian Shi

Session Overview 


Immediate implant in the anterior maxilla with immediate provisionalisation present many challenges for clinicians. The advantages of immediate implant with immediate provisionalisation include reduced number of visits, reduced treatment time and costs, preservation of bone and soft tissue esthetics and patient acceptance. In this session, I will share the challenges in performing this treatment.

Learning Objectives:

- Understand the challenges of immediate implant in the anterior maxilla with immediate provisionalisation.

- Practical tips on how to perform this treatment.

Friday, October 29, 2021 (6:00 AM - 8:30 AM)

Cutting Edge of Tissue Engineering and New Technologies

This session will be moderated by Dr. Stephen Feinberg and Dr. Izumi Asahina

Session 1

Computer Assisted CMF Reconstruction presented by Dr. Majeed Rana

Session Overview 


Overview considering all spectrum in CMF. E.g.: Trauma, Oncology, Congenital Deformities (Cranio-Facial and orthognathic Surgery)

Learning Objectives:

- Virtual Surgical Planning

- Indications and Limitations

- Quality Control in Patient Care

Session 2

Robot-Assisted Surgery in Head and Neck Tumor presented by Dr. Elliot Cheng

Session Overview 


Robotic surgery can be successfully applied to head-and-neck tumors. In addition, young surgeons may take into consideration for routine robotic training to promote our skills in minimally invasive surgery.

Learning Objectives:

- To introduce history of robotic surgery

- To explore the training program at our institute

- To show how to apply the robotic surgery for suitable case to get minimally invasive surgery

Session 3

Cellular Therapy for Temporomandibular Joint Diseases presented by Dr. Zeynep Burcin Gonen

Session Overview 


It will be focused mainly on stem cells and other cellular therapies, such as exosomes and stromal vascular fraction (SVF). The key insights are cellular therapies for osteoarthritis and TMJ regeneration

Learning Objectives:


The objectives are updating the innovative approaches and potential regenerative cell therapy applications for TMJ diseases.

Session 4

Mandibular Reconstruction - From Bone Transfer to Bone Growing - Where Are We and Where Do We Want to Go? presented by Dr. Michael Alterman

Session Overview 


The lecture will review two decades of research and clinical experience of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical Center of Jerusalem in the development of biological methods for high-quality mandibular reconstruction. The concept of bone growing will be discussed alongside an optional algorithm for biological bone regeneration.

Learning Objectives

- The bone growing concept

- The use of biologic concepts in contemporary approaches for mandibular reconstruction

- Future trends in bone reconstruction

Session 5

Machine Learning in Predicting Amebloastoma Recurrence presented by Dr. Crystal Wang

Session Overview 


Ameloblastoma recurrence is clinically difficult to predict, there is insufficient evidence to correlate disease parameters and patient demographic to the recurrence. We hoped to explore the possibility of utilising supervised machine learning to assist clinical diagnosis. With recent increasing success of application amongst the medical field, we attempted to use random forest model to predict ameloblastoma recurrence.

Learning Objectives:

Random forest was able to predict ameloblastoma to a reliable degree. According to the random forest model, the most influential variables are initial surgery, tumour size and radiographic presentation.

Session 6

Next-Generation Regenerative Therapy for Radiation-Injured Salivary Gland Hypofunction presented by Dr. Takashi I

Session Overview 


There are currently no effective treatments available for salivary gland function caused by radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. Recently, we developed an effective culture method to enhance the anti-inflammatory and vasculogenic phenotypes of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs), and such effectively conditioned PBMNC (E-MNC) therapy has shown promising improvements to the function of atrophic salivary gland.

Learning Objectives:


- We have developed a simple, rapid, and efficient method that provides a non-invasive source of therapeutic cells for regenerating radiation-injured salivary glands.

- On the basis of animal experiment, we also intend to apply E-MNC therapy for Sjögren's syndrome, and are preparing the clinical trial.

Saturday, October 30, 2021 (6:00 AM - 8:30 AM)

Updates in Traumatology 

This session will be moderated by Dr. Leander Dubois and Dr. Yoshiki Hamada

Session 1

The Management of Airway in Trauma Patients presented by Dr. Jasjit Dillon

Session Overview 


Overview of airway options including review of submental intubation and surgical airway

Learning Objectives:

- Understand types of airway for trauma

- Understand how to perform a surgical airway

- Review technique of a submental airway

Session 2

New Protocol for Simplified Reduction and Fixation of Subcondylar Fractures of the Mandible presented by Dr. Saurabh Kamat

Session Overview 


The dilemma regarding the management of condylar fractures generally revolves around the surgical approach; implant design and the surgeon’s experience. Zide and Kent’s guidelines streamlined the decision making process in condylar fractures. However, there exists no standardized protocol for reduction and fixation of condylar fractures. Here, we will discuss about a new 10-step protocol, common to any surgical approach, that would lead to predictable, reproducible and repeatable results in every surgeon’s hands. The protocol has been recently accepted for publication in the esteemed Journal of Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (JKAOMS).

Learning Objectives:

1. To discuss step-wise reduction and fixation of Subcondylar fractures.

2. To aid in predictable, reproducible and repeatable results in every young surgeon’s hands.

3. To describe the techniques and role of universal instruments in simplifying subcondylar fracture reduction.

Session 3

Gunshot Wounds to the Cranio-Maxillofacial Region: Our Experience in Meru, Kenya presented by Dr. James Kirimi

Session Overview 


1.Describe the gunshot wounds tobthe OMFS region

2. Discuss the immediate management

3. Discuss the definitive management

4. Highlight challenges in management in our set up

Learning Objectives:

- To highlight the incidence of gunshot wounds to the OMFS region in a rural African setting.

- To discuss our approach to management of these injuries bases on our experience in the last 5 years.

Session 4

Surgical Management of Mandibular Condylar Fractures - Local Experience from Sultanate of Oman presented by Dr. Noor Al-Saadi

Session Overview 


Brief overview on the surgical approach, outcome and complications of surgical management of mandibular condylar fractures.

Learning Objectives:

- Surgical access to mandibular condylar fractures.

- Long term outcome of surgical management of condylar fractures from a tertiary hospital in Oman, review of a local study results.

- Complications of surgical management of condylar fractures.

Session 5

To Be Determined presented by Dr. Shintaro Sukegawa

Session Overview 

More Information Coming Soon

Session 6

Management of Mandibular Condyle Fractures presented by Dr. Seunggon Jung

Session Overview 


Decision making in treatment of mandibular condyle fractures depends on level of fracture, bilaterality, and degree of displacement. Conservative closed reduction is generally favored in minimally displace fractures. Yet open reduction and internal fixation can provide good results

Learning Objective:

Intraoral approach combined with transparotid stab incision can provide to access to condylar region for open reduction and internal fixation without damage of the facial nerve and temporomandibular joint and minimal visible scar.

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