Program Schedule

Recorded versions of each session of the IAOMS/ALACIBU NextGen Online Conference are now available on-demand. Visit, navigate to the Education tab and select e-learning from the dropdown menu.

The IAOMS/ALACIBU NextGen Online Conference will take place every night from 7:00PM - 9:30PM CST February 8 - February 12, 2021.  This five-day program will include live presentations along with question and answer opportunities. Each session includes presentations from master surgeons followed by the next generation of young surgeons from all across the specialty.

All sessions and speakers are subject to change.

Click on the links below to go directly to the agenda for each day.

Monday |  Tuesday | Wednesday  | Thursday | Friday 

Monday, February 8, 2021 (7:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

Surgical Innovation

The Surgical Innovation session will highlight new technologies in OMFS surgery, artificial intelligence in maxillofaical trauma and much more.

This session will be moderated by Dr. Alejandro Martinez and Dr. Henry Garcia Guevara. 


Opening Remarks

Introductions from IAOMS & ALACIBU leadership including Dr. Gabriele Millesi (IAOMS), Dr. Raul Parra (ALACIBU), Dr. Alejandro Martinez (IAOMS) and Dr. Alfred Lau (IAOMS NextGen).

Session 1

New Technologies in Orthognathic Surgery: Pros and Cons presented by Dr. Gabriele Millesi

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives:

• From traditional treatment planning with dental model surgery and face bow transfer to three-dimensional virtual treatment planning.

• Advantages and disadvantages in 3D virtual planning.

• 3 D virtual planning as the source for patient specific implants and cutting guides.

• Indications for cutting guides and individualized plates in dependance of the movement of the maxilla.

• Substitute for cutting guides, navigation, laser robotic surgery.

• Description of the practical use of a cold ablation laser osteotome (CARLO) in a first in man study, performing Le Fort I osteotomies in 12 patients.

Session 2

Platelet Concentrates in Oral Surgery: State of the Art presented by Dr. Raul Parra

Session Overview 

The Objective of this conference is to show you some of the benefits of the use of palletizer concentrates and especially the new protocols with the use of Platelet Rich Fibrin and the growth factors derived from it, some of its applications in Oral Surgery and maxillofacial, especially in the area of implantology, reconstruction of atrophic ridges, such as grafts in the elevations of the mucosa of the floor of the maxillary sinus, etc.

Learning Objectives:

• Expose new advances and new techniques in the handling of platelet concentrates (PRF).

• PRF can be considered as an autologous healing biomaterial that incorporates a fibrin matrix with leukocytes, platelets and growth factors, centrifuged from a simple blood draw in our operating rooms.

Session 3

Artificial Intelligence in Maxillofacial Trauma presented by Dr. Andrew Read-Fuller

Session Overview 

The decision to operate on an orbital fracture can be complicated, particularly when the patient presents with no symptoms or obvious cosmetic deformities. Deep learning (artificial intelligence) is a promising method to aid the surgeon in determining preoperatively whether or not orbital floor reconstruction will improve patient outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

• Review the current methods and challenges of managing acute orbital fractures.

• Understand what artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are and how they work.

• Discuss the potential role of machine learning/artificial intelligence in aiding surgical decision making.

Session 4

Facial Contouring for Orthognathic and Aesthetic Surgery presented by Dr. Sergio Olate

Session Overview 

The aim is to show the diagnosis of the facial contouring and the process to choose the best technique and approach as adjunct in orthognathic surgery or cosmetic facial surgery using 3D technology.

Learning Objectives:

•To know the technique for facial contouring.

•To obtain criteria for the use of stock or customized solid implants.

•To know the process for the 3D planning used in facial osteotomies and facial implants.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021 (7:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

New Techniques in Dental Implants

The New Techniques in Dental Impants session will highlight guided vs. navigated surgery in implant dentistry, analog and digital planning in all four implants and a variety of additional topics.

This session will be moderated by Dr. Veronica Briselli​ and Dr. Alfred Lau.

Session 1

Guided vs. Navigated Surgery in Implant Dentistry presented by Dr. James Chow

Session Overview 

The aim is to explain the digital workflow in implant dentistry and to understand the difference between guided and navigated surgery so that a predictable treatment outcome can be achieved when employing these techniques.

Learning Objectives:

• To know what is essential for setting up a complete digital workflow in implant dentistry.

• To compare guided surgery with navigated surgery for implant placement.

• To learn how to apply these techniques in selected patients.

Session 2

Management of Dental Implant Bisphosphonate Therapy  presented by Dr. Laureano Filho 

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the physiopathology of bisphosphonate therapy on the jaws.

• Identify the consequences of dental implants surgery in patients with bisphosphonate therapy.

• Describe which protocol should be followed to succeed in dental implants with bisphosphonate therapy.

Session 3

Analog and Digital Planning in all Four Implants presented by Dr. Manuel Loaiza

Session Overview 

More details regarding this session will be available soon.

Session 4

Zygomatic Impants: A Real Option for the Young Surgeon presented by Dr. Mario Venturini

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives:

• At first: doing the Zygoma Implant under direct vision.

• The second: try to achieve the primary fixation intra surgical procedure.

• Third: If you have primary fixation avoid bone graft.

Session 5

Reverse Protocol in Digital Implantology presented by Ronar Gudino

Session Overview 

The session will try to use simple explanations and examples so that the surgeon can use the digital tools for the planning and execution of clinical cases using the reverse protocol in a digital way.

Learning Objectives:

• Increase the surgical skills on guided surgery.

• Improve the knowledge about biological spaces in dental implantology.

• Know the advantages and disadvantages of digital planning in dental implants.

Session 6

Octacalcium Phosphate Collagen Composite (OCP/Col) for Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation Toward Breakthrough for Bone Regeneration presented by Dr. Kei-ichiro Miura

Session Overview 

Based on the biological characteristics of hard tissue, octacalcium phosphate collagen which is known to be a precursor of biological apatite, and collagen composite (OCP/Col) was developed. This session will show clinical application of OCP/Col for sinus maxillary sinus floor augmentation, which led long-term stability of dental implants.

Learning Objectives:

・Explain how OCP/Col differs from other bone substitutes.

・Show translational research aimed for clinical application to human.

・Discuss why long-term stability was obtained about maxillary sinus floor augmentation.

Session 7

Tips and Tricks for Immediate Implantation for Young Surgeons presented by Dr. Georg Malaith-Pokorny

Session Overview 

Especially in the aesthetic zone, immediate implantation with immediate restauration offers many advantages for the patient. Not only for single tooth implants but also for full mouth reconstruction. This procedure leads to predictable results with high patient satisfaction.This presentation gives a brief summary of the does and don’ts of immediate implantation.

Learning Objectives:

• Indication for immediate implantation

• Standardized decision finding

• Avoiding pitfalls for the young surgeon

• Best implant design

• How to get the best aesthetic results

• Role of the digital workflow

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 (7:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

Dynamic Cases in Orthognathic Surgery

The Dynamic Cases in Orthognathic Surgery will teach attendees about orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty, the role of orthognathic surgery in obstructive sleep, how to plan the face and why, and much more.

This session will be moderated by Dr. Manlio Galie Ferrara and Dr. Jaime Jimenez. 

Sponsored By:  

Session 1

Minimizing Patient Morbidity in Orthognathic Surgery by Using a Novel Surgical Algorithm presented by Dr. Gwen Swennen

Session Overview 

The aim of this presentation is to show how patient morbidity in orthognathic surgery can be decreased by increasing overall efficiency in the operation theatre.

Learning Objectives:

• To understand how overall surgical efficiency can be increased during orthognathic surgery

• To know how the surgical approach and degloving can be minimized in regular orthognathic surgical procedures (chin, Le Fort I and sagittal split osteotomies)

• To understand the importance of the overall surgical team approach in reducing patient morbidity, including the impact of the anesthesiologist, scrub nurse, surgical assistant, sterilization and post-operative care

Session 2

Orthognathic Surgery in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: State of the Art presented by Julio Cifuentes

Session Overview 

The state of the art of Maxillo Mandibular Advance for OSA treatment will be presented using a clinical case.

Learning Objectives:

• Diagnosis

• Indications of MMA

• Treatment planning for MMA

• Evidence

Session 3

Simultaneous Rhinoplasty and Orthognathic Surgery  presented by Dr. Salvador Soto

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives:

• Know indications and contraindications for its application.

• Know the benefits of performing simultaneous rhinoplasty.

• Show the aesthetic results of the facial profile combining the two surgeries.

Session 4

Orthognathic Surgery and its Role in Obstructive Sleep Apnea presented by Dr. Daniel Zerbinatti

Session Overview 

This session will cover Orthognathic surgery as the definitive treatment for sleep apnea syndrome as well as the challenge of breathing improvement without impairing facial aesthetics.

Learning Objectives:

• Upper airway Analysis

• Obstruction sites

• Effective orthognathic movements to solve apnea

Session 5

How Do I Plan the Face and Why? presented by Dr. José Antonio García Piña

Session Overview 

The aim is to show some anatomic landmarks used by the speaker to balance the patient’s face and reveal them with some orthognathic surgery cases and facial recontouring cases.

Learning Objectives:

•Every anatomic landmark and cephalometric landmark are variables and every time we measure a variable with another variable we will get variable results

•Proportion of the face has to be compared with anatomic landmarks that are close to the anatomy to be operated, never use distant points to the surgical area.

•Maxillofacial surgeons should also look at the facial contour in every orthognathic surgery patient to enhance the whole face.

Session 6

Management of Dentofacial Deformity with Self-designed Patient Specific Implants presented by Dr. Joan Wan

Session Overview 

Virtual planning, with the subsequent utilization of patient-specific 3D printed guides and plates will be shown in this presentation. Main focus on patients with asymmetric facial deformity.

Learning Objectives:

• Steps in virtual orthognathic planning

• Differences in virtual planning from traditional model surgeries

• Recent findings in accuracy on patient specific plates

Session 7

Customized Skeletal Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea presented by Dr. Grace Chen

Session Overview 

Learning objective:

• Treatment options of sleep surgery

• Efficiency of skeletal surgery for OSA

• Considerations of the treatment plans of MMA / Modified MMA for OSA patients

Thursday, February 11, 2021 (7:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

Insights and Best Practices in Pathology

The Insights and Best Practices in Pathology session will introduce participants to complications in management of salivary glands, the removal of soft tissue pathologies with surgical laser, the clinical role of novel biomakers and much more. 

This session will be moderated by Dr. David Moreno Villalobos and Dr. Julio Acero.

Session 1

Contemporary management of Cutaneous Melanoma of the Head and Neck  presented by Dr. Rui Fernandes

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives:

• To review the diagnosis and work up of a patient with melanoma of the head and neck

• Review surgical management of cutaneous head neck melanoma

• Review medical management of cutaneous head neck melanoma

Session 2

Complications in the Management of Salivary Glands Pathology presented by Dr. Zoilo Nunez

Session Overview 

More details regarding this session will be available soon.

Session 3

Surgical Management of Benign Neoplasms in Parotid Glands presented by Dr. Ludwing Mendez

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives

• You will learn historical background regarding parotid surgery

• You will understand the epidemiology and Salvadorean reality

• You will see surgical technique performed to remove parotid glands tumors and its outcomes

Session 4

From Analog to Digital in Mandible Reconstruction: A Ameloblastic Fibroma Clinical Case Report presented by Dr. Nicolas Solano

Session Overview 

The objective is to highlight the advantages of virtual planning over analog in jaw reconstruction, in terms of precision, surgical time and aesthetic and functional results.

Learning objectives.

• To know the advantages of the software in tumor resection planning.

• To know the versatility of the software in the making of cutting guides.

• To know the alternative of customized prosthesis design or custom models for the adaptation of reconstruction plates.

Session 5

Removal and Repair of Soft Tissue Pathologies with Diode Laser presented by Dr. Daniel Nastri

Session Overview 

To Show maxillofacial surgeons the laser technology that is within our reach, enabling safer procedures with better results. In addition, making the surgical procedure safer, with the operative field cleaner and decontaminated. Optimizing the results for our patients, with a smoother postoperative period, with less pain, edema and improved healing.

Learning Objectives:

• Diode Laser, Soft Tissue and Tissue Repair

Session 6

Etiology, Management and Prognosis of Noma: An Orofacial Disease of Poverty presented by Dr. Payam Afzali

Session Overview 

Session Overview: The aim is to create awareness of Noma (cancrum oris); a treatable yet debilitating fatal disease of the face and oral cavity in impoverished countries. The goal of the session is also to create an understanding of our potential role as oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the management of this disease.

Learning Objectives>

1. To know the epidemiology and early warning signs of Noma.

2. To understand the stages of the disease and in turn prevention of the progression and subsequent management.

3. To know the opportunities we have as oral and maxillofacial surgeons to assist with the global burden of this neglected oral and facial disease.

Session 7

Clinical Role of Novel Biomarkers For Oral Cancer: New Evidence from Liquid Biopsy presented by Dr. Salvatore Crimi

Session Overview 

In this session we would like to introduce the concept of liquid biopsy for the diagnosis of oral cancer. the search for useful markers for the identification of pathologies is now widespread. their specificity will allow us to carve out a fundamental role in diagnosis but in the future they may have a central role in the evaluation of the prognosis and therapy of oral cancer

Learning Ovjectives:

• Future of liquid biopsy as diagnostic and prognostic role

• Use of liquid biopsy in oral cancer

• Role of biomarkers in daily clinical practice

Friday, February 12, 2021 (7:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

From Diagnosis to Outcomes in Cleft Lip & Palate and Reconstructive Surgery

The From Diagnosis to Outcomes in Cleft Lip & Palate and Reconstructive Surgery​ session will cover contributions to clef lip and palate in Latin America, the Asensio protocol, and more topics to be announced. 

This session will be moderated by Dr. Tim Turvey and Dr. Rodolfo Asensio Guerrero.

Session 1

Cleft Osteotomies and Facial Contouring presented by Dr. Piet Haers

Session Overview 

This lecture informs on diagnostics and planning and its functional and aesthetic aspects, as well as specifics of the cleft osteotomies. These specifics involve the maxillary movements and rotations, mobilisation of the maxilla, segmentation of the maxilla, impact on speech and long-term stability. Moreover, the cleft osteotomy alone may not lead to the best possible outcome and additional procedures in a second session may be indicated. The goal is to give a comprehensive insight on how to achieve facial balance and optimal oro-facial functions for patients presenting with cleft maxillary deformity.

Learning objectives

• Diagnostics and planning in cleft maxillary deformity.

• Execution of cleft maxillary osteotomy.

• Awareness of adjunctive contouring procedures.

Session 2

Contributions to Cleft Lip Palate in Latin America presented by Rafael Ruiz

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives:

• How to develop the participation of the OMS in the primary treatments of the cleft patients

• Goals in the primary management of the cleft deformities

• Compare three different techniques in the cleft lip repair.

Session 3

Use of the Asensio Technique for the Management of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients in the Panama Children's Hospital: A 7 year experience presented by Dr. Carlos Alvarado

Session Overview 

Learning Objectives:

• Explain the surgical protocol used in the Asensio Method for the management of Cleft Lip and Palate.

• Demonstrate the Asensio Technique for the correction of Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip.

• Demonstrate the Asensio Technique for the correction of Cleft Palate.

Session 4

Rehabilitation with Zygomatic Implants in Cleft Patients presented by Dr. Maria Daniela Viamonte

Session Overview 

This session will include experience based evidence and fresh new ideas for cleft patients.

Learning Objectives:

• To explain the step-by-step planning process and procedures of zygomatic implants in cleft patients.

• To clarify differences regarding using zygomatic implants in these patients.

• To discuss why zygomatic implants are a reliable alternative in atrophic maxilla of cleft patients.

Session 5

Selection Criteria for Unilateral Cheiloplasty Technique presented by Dr. Cesia Gonzalez

Session Overview 

More details regarding this session will be available soon.

Session 6

Versatile Biocomposite Scaffolds with Osteogenic Ions for Bone Regeneration in OMS presented by Dr. Lilis Iskandar

Session Overview 

This session will discuss alternatives to address the challenges in bone tissue engineering in the oral and maxillofacial region by the development of versatile 3D porous dual network hydrogel composite scaffolds made of calcium metaphosphate – poly(vinyl alcohol) / alginate with osteogenic ions: calcium, zinc and strontium. These scaffolds have been successfully fabricated with simple, low-cost, non-toxic and sustainable materials and methods, and demonstrated excellent physical and in vitro biological properties, potentially clinically viable as synthetic bone substitutes.

Learning Objectives:

• To understand the challenges in bone tissue engineering in the oral and maxillofacial region.

• To discuss alternatives to address those challenges by the development of versatile 3D porous dual network hydrogel composite scaffolds made of calcium metaphosphate – poly(vinyl alcohol) / alginate with osteogenic ions: calcium, zinc and strontium as potentially clinically viable synthetic bone substitutes.

• To discuss the shift of strategy using simple, low-cost, non-toxic and sustainable materials and methods in establishing synthetic bone substitutes for the oral and maxillofacial region with superior physical and biological properties, yet lower barrier to clinical translation.

Session 7

Surgical Management of Facial Cleft: Our Experience in Indonesia presented by Nadya Khamila  

Session Overview 

More details regarding this session will be available soon.

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