Program Overview

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT)

In this session, the speakers will present their lectures with a half-hour question-and-answer opportunity following the conclusion of both presentations.

8:00AM - 8:45AM


The Role of Nutrition in Healing of Maxillofacial Surgery

Dr. Teresa Biggerstaff

Session Overview:

Bone grafting and soft tissue grafting has become more and more sophisticated over time due to the innovative development and use of biomaterials.  These regenerative procedures allow for dental rehabilitation utilizing dental implants.  Careful patient selection, surgical technique and selection of appropriate biomaterials and sound functional design are the foundational principles of predictable outcomes.  But sometimes, even when all of these guiding principles are followed, we still see failure of the regenerative procedure or failure of the dental implant. 

Increasing evidence suggests that a lack of certain micronutrients may contribute to these failures.  We will review the effects of micronutrients on bone health, bone grafting, periodontal health, soft tissue healing, implant osseointegration and immune regulation and discuss strategies to optimize serum levels of micronutrients to prepare for regenerative procedures.  As our society continues to rely more and more on processed foods and fast foods that are less nutrient dense, we are seeing an increase in micronutrient deficiencies, especially in our patients who are more advanced in age.  These patients who are advanced in age also tend to be the ones most commonly seeking dental rehabilitation with dental implants.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define how certain micronutrients can influence wound healing
  2. Discuss the role of nutrition and immune function on bone and soft tissue regeneration and dental implant osseointegration
  3. Outline how certain micronutrient deficiencies can be corrected

Teresa Biggerstaff, DDS, MD  is an oral and facial surgeon in private practice in Kernersville, North Carolina.  She is fellowship trained in facial cosmetic surgery and she operates a busy, full-scope oral and facial surgery practice and medical spa.  She serves in leadership positions in state and regional Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon societies.  She also serves as a senior clinical mentor in the Osteo Science Foundation Clinical Observership Program. 

Teresa Biggerstaff, DDS, MD is an oral and facial surgeon in private practice in Kernersville, North Carolina. She is fellowship trained in facial cosmetic surgery and she operates a busy, full-scope oral and facial surgery practice and medical spa. She serves in leadership positions in state and regional Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon societies. She also serves as a senior clinical mentor in the Osteo Science Foundation Clinical Observership Program.

8:45AM - 9:30AM


Using Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols for Orthognathic Surgery

Dr. Mark A. Green

Session Overview:

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols are evidence-based, patient-centered, and multidisciplinary team approaches to optimizing surgical recovery.  We explore the various preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative interventions to improve patient outcomes, reduce complications and accelerate patient recovery after orthognathic surgery.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the principles of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocols
  2. Discuss the influence non-surgeon providers have on patient reported outcomes

  3. Identify orthognathic surgery outcomes influenced by ERAS protocols

  4. Creating and establishing an ERAS protocol for orthognathic surgery

Mark A. Green is a Clinical Instructor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Boston Children’s Hospital.  His clinical interests include orthognathic surgery, pediatric pathology, and bone grafting/dental implants in patients with cleft and craniofacial conditions.

Mark A. Green is a Clinical Instructor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Boston Children’s Hospital. His clinical interests include orthognathic surgery, pediatric pathology, and bone grafting/dental implants in patients with cleft and craniofacial conditions.

The Objective of this conference is to show you some of the benefits of the use of palletizer concentrates and especially the new protocols with the use of Platelet Rich Fibrin and the growth factors derived from it, some of its applications in Oral Surgery and maxillofacial, especially in the area of implantology, reconstruction of atrophic ridges, such as grafts in the elevations of the mucosa of the floor of the maxillary sinus, etc.

Learning Objectives:

• Expose new advances and new techniques in the handling of platelet concentrates (PRF).

• PRF can be considered as an autologous healing biomaterial that incorporates a fibrin matrix with leukocytes, platelets and growth factors, centrifuged from a simple blood draw in our operating rooms.

9:30AM - 10:00AM

Question & Answer

Following the conclusion of both sessions, a Moderator will conduct a question and answer opportunity and present additional cases surrounding complications. 

Moderator: Dr. Majeed Rana

Dr. Michael Markiewicz is Professor and Chair of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, at the University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. He also holds adjuncts appointments as Professor in the Departments of Neurosurgery and Surgery, at the Jacob’s School of Medicine and Biomedical Science, is an attending surgeon in the Department of Head and Neck/Reconstructive Surgery at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, and is Co-director of the Cleft and Craniofacial Team, at the Craniofacial Center of Western New York. Dr. Markiewicz earned his Dental Degree at the University at Buffalo, and Medical Degree at Oregon Health and Science University where he also completed his General Surgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery training. He obtained a Master’s of Public Health from Harvard University and completed a Fellowship in Clinical Investigation at The Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Massachusetts. Dr. Markiewicz completed fellowships in Pediatric Cleft and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, at the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, in Orlando, Florida, and in Head and Neck Oncologic and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery, in the Division of Head and Neck Surgery, at the University of Florida, College of Medicine, in Jacksonville Florida.


The IAOMS would like to thank Osteo Science Foundation for their support of this program: