Research Committee

IAOMS Research Committee

This committee plays a critical role in assisting the IAOMS Board of Directors and the IAOMS Foundation Board of Trustees in planning and implementing research programs that aim to improve the quality and safety of healthcare worldwide. Comprising a diverse group of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, the Research Committee ensures that research initiatives serve members at all career levels, from early-career professionals to seasoned experts.

For more information on the responsibilities and terms of the Research Committee, please refer to the full Research Committee Charter.

Committee Objectives

The Research Committee actively participates in:

  • Advising on and planning research programs and fellowships.
  • Identifying key research projects and fostering sponsor outreach.
  • Ensuring that IAOMS initiatives address the diverse needs of NextGen, mid-career, and senior professionals.


The committee meets quarterly (virtually) to review progress, discuss new initiatives, and ensure alignment with IAOMS's strategic goals. The Chair also represents the Research Committee on the ICOMS Scientific Program Committee, helping to shape the future of research in the OMFS specialty.

Committee Leadership

The IAOMS Research Committee is led by a dedicated Chair and Vice Chair, supported by a group of committee members appointed for their expertise in research and the OMFS specialty. Committee members represent diverse global regions, genders, and stages in their careers. Together, they contribute to IAOMS' ongoing research initiatives and work closely with staff to execute projects that align with the needs of IAOMS members.

Robert Sader Robert Sader, Germany
Chair, IAOMS Research Committee


Nardi Casap Nardy Caspi, Israel


G. E. Ghali G. E. Ghali, USA


Peter Kessler Peter Kessler, Maastricht


Yoko Kawase-Koga

Yoko Kawase-Koga, Japan

Fernando Melhem Elias

Fernando Melhem Elias, Brazil

Crystal Wang

Crystal Wang, Hong Kong

Larry Nissen

Larry Nissen, USA
Interim Executive Director, IAOMS